At Red Moor School, our team will work with pupils, parents, carers and the therapy team to agree a shared view of what the best support plan is for every child.
Our team includes Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Play Therapist, Music Therapist and Educational Psychologists, as well as access to other types of therapy as required.
Once a plan is in place, our onsite therapeutic interventions are embedded into the daily practice of the school, enabling each young person to build on their strengths and increase their resilience.
Red Moor School aims to provide children with a safe, caring and nurturing community with clear, consistent boundaries and high expectations. Relationships are at the heart of the schools’ approach and are based on sensitive understanding of a young person’s experiences and the areas in which they require more support. Behaviour is understood as a form of communication and all staff work together to facilitate the healthy physical, social, and emotional development of each child.
For further information, please contact our SENDCo or Assistant SENDCo for further information:
SENDCo: Jon Mayman
Tel: 01726 219472
Assistant SENDCo: Phil Williams
Tel: 01726 219472
For any other questions relating to the support of SEND children or clinical therapy at Red Moor School, please contact Ashley Bradshaw on 01726 219472 or
Aims of the Therapy Team
The aim of the Therapy Team is to promote positive emotional health and well-being of our pupils, we will provide a therapeutic framework which helps to build resilience and increase positive outcomes for all.
The school is able to provide onsite access to:
- Individual and group therapy
- Ongoing staff development
- Professional support and supervision
- Pastoral support as appropriate
Our in-house therapy team will support the wider staff team to complete an initial assessment. This helps us build a comprehensive picture of every Red Moor pupil and their individual needs.
The assessment will include working directly with the young person, their parents/carers and teaching staff to identify their areas of strength, and areas where they may need additional support. We will also work with them to agree goals for their student passport.
Regularly used assessment tools are:
- The Motional Assessment tool
- Sensory Profiling
- Strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ)
- Structured observations including interval sampling
- Resiliency Scales
- Emotional Literacy assessment (ELA)
- British Ability Scales 3rd Edition
- Cognitive Assessment System (CAS)
- Weschler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT)
- Personal Construct Psychology (PCP)
The therapy team are also involved in contributing to the design of the more bespoke aspects of provision for all pupils at Red Moor School.
This may involve reviewing information contained in the child’s Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), liaising with the wider support services, discussion with parents/carers including, where appropriate, a visit or observation to meet the young person in their current provision.
External Support Services
Our therapy team at Red Moor School will work with partner services that can help support children, such as a speech and language therapy (SALT) service, child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS), occupational therapy (OT) or the community paediatric team.
We also work with Careers Southwest who help support our exit planning and college or work placements for our older children.
SEN Support
Pupils attending Red Moor School may have a range of learning difficulties and/or low attainment that are associated with their emotional and behavioural difficulties.
They may have experienced historical low levels of engagement or underlying anxiety within learning situations. Several pupils may experience challenges with sensory regulation or a diagnosis within the Autistic Spectrum or a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.