The objective for the Outdoor Education team is to provide an outdoor learning curriculum that ensures students are given the opportunity to explore and develop a wide range of interests and pursuits that lead to qualifications and awards to benefit students during and after their time at Red Moor.
All lessons will be challenging, engaging and high quality ensuring that they instill the spirt of adventure and discovery. All students will have a clear progression throughout their time at Red Moor and are able to achieve a number of awards which include AQA Unit Awards, ASDAN and National Governing Body Awards.
At an early years level the Outdoor Education curriculum is focused towards helping children develop personally and socially through nurture based play in the outdoors. This approach is significant for students as it helps them develop key physical and sensory needs that then enable them to engage in education recognised in physical literacy.
At a primary level the Outdoor Education curriculum will look to provide opportunities for students to gain AQA Unit Award Schemes in activities. Such activities are closely linked to classroom teaching and the Rising Star curriculum to ensure that Outdoor Education supports all aspects of learning and is recognised for its cross-curricular ability.
At secondary level the Outdoor Education curriculum starts students working towards ASDAN qualifications allowing students to choose activities and tailor a programme of learning to their individual needs. Through options students are able to choose Duke of Edinburgh and National Governing Body Awards with extension opportunities on to junior instructor awards.
The curriculum and activities offered are reviewed annually to ensure the curriculum provides the best opportunities for students to achieve and succeed in a range of learning opportunities.